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We want to welcome you to the church where you find people who worship Jesus and are passionate about spreading His Word. Salvation is a gift that you can find in Jesus by following the mission that is established in our church: it's simple and wonderful, and brings His kingdom all over the world.
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2024년 9월 한 달간 ‘Basic 5 Weeks’를 진행합니다. ‘Basic 5 Weeks’ 신앙생활의 기본기를 다지는 시간입니다.
2024 Summer 성경필사 Project 2024년 7월 1일 ~ 8월 31 기간동안 전교인 성경필사 Project를 실시합니다. 필사 본문 : 사도행전 참가비 : $10(필사노트 제공)
2024 Summer Book Club 2024년 6월 13일(목)~8월 1일(목) 까지 매주 목요일 오전 10시에 ‘북클럽’을 오픈합니다. 장소는 교회 Conference Room입니다. 함께 읽을 도서는 “성경 속 여성들이 말하다(새롭게 하는 사람들)”입니다.
At Nazareth Church you'll be welcomed by people who have come together to know Christ and live in his freedom.
Our Mission
We are called to eat, drink, speak, think and work to the glory of God. We worship God by remembering the gospel through preaching, teaching, singing, praying and celebrating baptism and communion.
Community is the context for discipleship. The Christian faith is not intended to be lived in isolation; we were made for relationship with God and for relationship with each other. We belong not merely
to a local church, but to a people.
Support the Mission
Your generosity is making a difference
We are happy to get any support from the members of our community! Thank you so much for staying with us and for your help!
Support the education and clergy development
Being able to grow is great, and we want our clergymen to develop their knowledge and skills. Help us get the proper education.
Donate to youth camping scholarships
Children need a new & upgraded camping program, and we are going to start the donation to gather a decent scholarship for them.